Article 1. General Provisions. 1

15-101.  Definitions. 1

15-102.  Discontinuance of utility services. 1

15-103.  Utility billing dates; delinquency date. 2

15-104.  Reserved. 2

15-105.  Discontinuance of utility services. 2

15-106.  Landlord liability and deposit requirements. 2

15-107.  Utility fee, late payment charges and reconnection fees. 2

15-108.  New construction. 3

15-109.  Reading meters. 3

15-110.  Meter lock out policy. 3

15-111.  Rates. 3

15-112.  Service connection outside of city limits. 3

15-113.  Connection/disconnection. 4

15-114.  Combined billing. 4

15-115.  Lien upon property receiving service. 4

Article 2. Water. 5

15-201.  Water service. 5

15-202.  Landlord/tenant responsibility. 5

15-203.  Reserved. 5

15-204.  Service Connection. 5

15-205.  Reading Meters. 5

15-206.  Connection fees. 5

15-207.  Water rates. 6

15-208.  Deposits generally. 6

15-209.  Service Connection Outside of City Limits. 6

15-210.  Connection required. 6

15-211.  Cross-connection control. 6

15-212.  Liability for minimum fee. 7

Article 3. Sewers. 8

15-301.  Sewer use regulation incorporated. 8

15-302.  Liability for minimum fee. 8

15-303.  No direct depositing into sewage system. 8

Article 4. Solid Waste. 9

15-401.  Adoption of code for the collection and disposal of refuse. 9

15-402.  Definitions. 9

15-403.  Duty of owner occupant. 9

15-404.  Reserved. 10

15-405.  Distributing containers. 10

15-406.  Improper containers. 10

15-407.  Location of containers. 10

15-408.  Collection and disposal under contract or as municipal function. 10

15-409.  Enter private premises. 11

15-410.  Frequency of collection. 11

15-411.  Collection equipment. 11

15-412.  Disposition of waste. 11

15-413.  Other collection unlawful. 11

15-414.  Periodic cleanup. 11

15-415.  Service fee. 12

15-416.  Reserved. 12

15-417.  Billing. 12

15-418.  Reserved. 12

15-419.  Prohibited practices. 12

15-420.  Penalty. 12

Article 5. Water/Drought Emergency. 13

15-501.  Purpose. 13

15-502.  Definitions. 13

15-503.  Water conservation program. 13

15-504.  Voluntary conservation measures. 14

15-505.  Mandatory conservation measures. 14

15-506.  Emergency water rates. 15

15-507.  Regulations. 15

15-508.  Violations, Disconnections and Penalties. 15

15-509.  Emergency termination. 16